Recognised professional rights (if any), professional careers in public and private sector organisations and opportunities for admission to MSc courses. Holders of the degree of the Department of Nursing of the University of Peloponnese can take up positions in the National Health System of Greece, education, the wider public sector (NGOs, Banks, etc.) and the private sector, for which a degree in Nursing is a statutory requirement.

The degree of the Department of Nursing of the University of Peloponnese, leads to the practice of the profession of Nurse, a regulated profession, described by the European Directives 2005/36/EC and 2013/55/EC as "General Care Nurse". 

Information on the function of the title 

▶ Level of the title
▶ Level according to the Greek system of studies: Undergraduate degree
▶ Level according to the Bologna Process curriculum structure: 1st cycle of studies Level according to the National Qualifications Framework: 6
▶ Level according to the UNESCO International Standard Classification of Education ISCED 2013: 5A  

Ενημερωμένο: Ιουνίου