
Before the end of each academic semester (A.E.), the lecturers select from the Central Database of the Electronic Service for Integrated Textbook Management the texts they wish to propose for the next A.E. The proposed books are approved by the Assembly of the Department.

At the beginning of each semester, students can declare the textbooks of their choice for the courses they have declared during the current semester through the "Eudoxos" website (

The declaration of papers is done electronically after a relevant announcement posted on the website of the Department of Nursing. ( ).

Failure to submit this declaration does not disqualify them from the examinations, but it does exclude them from receiving free textbooks.

If a student registers for a course for a second time during his/her studies (e.g. because of an unsuccessful examination) and has received the corresponding textbook at the time of his/her first registration, he/she is not entitled to receive a textbook for that course again.

The list of recommended texts can be found in the following link:

Ενημερωμένο: Ιουνίου