The Department of Nursing has the following four (4) laboratories:
Ι. Laboratory of Nursing Research and Care
The main purpose of the "Nursing Research and Care Laboratory" is to be a scientific and authoritative body for the production of research, study and development of scientific knowledge, as well as to meet educational and research needs of the Department of Nursing of the Faculty of Health Sciences.
The scope of the Laboratory is applied research, study and care to solve practical health problems in the contemporary world in order to make clinical decisions using the best available research data, clinical nursing expertise and the preferences of patients and/or healthy individuals within the context of available resources. It also aims to implement advanced nursing care in health care settings, home or community, encompassing a wide range of expanded and ever-expanding functions and responsibilities of nurses, based on expertise, extension and advanced practice.
ΦΕΚ – Εκλογής Διευθυντή στο Εργαστήριο ¨ ΝΟΣΗΛΕΥΤΙΚΗΣ ΕΡΕΥΝΑΣ και ΦΡΟΝΤΙΔΑΣ
ΦΕΚ – Διορθώσεις Σφαλμάτων Ιδρυτικού ΦΕΚ για το Εργαστήριο ¨ ΝΟΣΗΛΕΥΤΙΚΩΝ – ΕΦΑΡΜΟΓΩΝ ¨
ΙΙ. Integrated Health Care Laboratory
The main purpose of the "Integrated Health Care Laboratory" is to be a scientific and authoritative body for the production of research, study and development of scientific knowledge, as well as to meet the educational and research needs of the Department of Nursing of the Faculty of Health Sciences. The scope of the Laboratory is applied research, which aims to address the fragmentation of health care delivery and is related to the development of financial, administrative, organizational and clinical methods - within the systemic boundaries - that lead towards the continuity of health care delivery to the population and individuals through "connectivity, harmonization and collaboration both within and between the fields of treatment and care" (WHO, 2018).
ΦΕΚ – Αναδιοργάνωσης του Εργαστηρίου ¨ ΟΛΟΚΛΗΡΩΜΕΝΗΣ ΦΡΟΝΤΙΔΑΣ ΥΓΕΙΑΣ
ΙΙΙ. Basic Sciences Laboratory
The main purpose of the "Laboratory of Basic Health Sciences" is to constitute a scientific and valid body for the production of primary research, study and development of scientific knowledge, as well as to meet the educational and research needs of the Department of Nursing of the Faculty of Health Sciences of the University of Peloponnese in a wide range of basic health sciences. The object of the Laboratory will be the basic and applied research and study in cognitive objects, related in the broadest sense to the cognitive objects of Biology, Biochemistry, Anatomy, Physiology, Microbiology, Therapeutics (pharmacology, toxicology, nutrition and special diets), Human Genetics and any other related cognitive object of the above is considered in the future by the collective bodies of the Department of Nursing as necessary for education and research, to fulfill the purpose.
ΦΕΚ – Εκλογής Διευθύντριας στο Εργαστήριο ¨ ΒΑΣΙΚΩΝ ΕΠΙΣΤΗΜΩΝ ΥΓΕΙΑΣ
ΦΕΚ – Ίδρυσης Εργαστηρίου ¨ ΒΙΟΛΟΓΙΑΣ – ΒΙΟΧΗΜΕΙΑΣ
ΦΕΚ – Διορθώσεις Σφαλμάτων Ιδρυτικού ΦΕΚ για το Εργαστήριο ¨ ΦΥΣΙΟΛΟΓΙΑΣ – ΦΑΡΜΑΚΟΛΟΓΙΑΣ
ΙV. Laboratory of Epidemiology and Disease Prevention
The main purpose of the Laboratory is to be a scientific and authoritative body for the production of research, study and development of scientific knowledge, as well as to meet the educational and research needs of the Department of Nursing of the Faculty of Health Sciences. Specifically, the scope of the laboratory is:
• The education of undergraduate, postgraduate, doctoral and postdoctoral students of the Department of Nursing and other departments of Health Sciences in the subject of the laboratory.
• The clinical-laboratory study of chronic and acute diseases.
• The clinical and laboratory study of infectious and hereditary diseases, with emphasis on haemoglobinopathies.
• Carrying out specialized laboratory tests (microbiological and chemical) as part of screening and investigation of outbreaks.
• Prevention and epidemiology of accidents.
• Organizing and conducting epidemiological studies and surveillance of diseases with an epidemiological outbreak.
• The organization of archives of studies in this field and the organization of training seminars or workshops for health professionals.
• The organization of educational events exclusively for sufferers and their families.
• The organization of first aid seminars for the general population.
• Cooperation with other similar university or governmental bodies, both Greek and international.
• The provision of services to sufferers.
• The provision of consultancy and other services in the field of resource and human resources management for sufferers of haemoglobinopathies and other inherited diseases and genetic counselling for couples in the context of the prevention of new sufferers.
• The provision of prevention and epidemiology services and cooperation with nursing units, local authorities, regional units, and other public and private sector bodies.