The Department of Nursing has the following committees:
  1. Committee of the OMEA, which is composed of faculty members with internationally recognized scientific work. The role of this Committee is executive, coordinating and executive. In particular, it plans, schedules and coordinates the evaluation process and is responsible for the preparation of the Internal Evaluation Report. In addition, it informs both the institutions and the members of the academic community (Department and Faculty) of the responses and results of the dialogue with both lecturers and students (mainly during the internal evaluation process) and gathers all the necessary relevant data. It shall also define and communicate from the outset the ways in which the transparency of internal evaluation is ensured.

  2.  Curriculum Committee, which is responsible for: a) monitoring the implementation of the curriculum and coordinating the educational activities of the programme, b) preparing the internal regulations of the curriculum and submitting them for approval by the relevant competent bodies, c) the submission of recommendations to the Assembly of the Department on the following issues: ca) the allocation of teaching work and the selection of proposed textbooks; cb) the establishment of internal evaluation groups and committees for the study or handling of specific issues related to the upgrading of the curriculum, cc) the modification, renaming or abolition of the curriculum, cd) the advertisement of temporary teaching staff positions and the establishment of evaluation committees for their selection, as well as the invitation of visiting professors, visiting researchers and postdoctoral researchers for the assignment of teaching work of the programme, ce) the assignment of auxiliary teaching work to doctoral candidates and postgraduate students of the A.E.I., cf) the establishment of the Committee and the Internship Manager of the programme, and d) the exercise of responsibilities assigned to it in accordance with the special protocol of cooperation, in case of programmes of study of collaborating Departments, or the internal regulations of the operation of the A.E.I.

  3. Research Planning Committee, which a) Ensures that the research activities of faculty members are relevant to their cognitive subject and fall within the research planning of the Department, b) Is responsible for the collection and monitoring of research projects in which faculty members participate, publications, conferences they organize or participate in and publicity activities in general, c) Monitor and provide data on the participation of undergraduate, postgraduate, doctoral candidates, postdoctoral fellows and academic scholars in the research projects of the Department; d) Document the needs for research activities; e) Meet at least 3 times per academic year or whenever deemed necessary; and f) Submit an annual report on its activities (per academic year) to the OMEA.

  4. Committee for International Relations and Erasmus, responsible for a) monitoring and increasing the mobility of students for studies and internships with the Erasmus programme, as well as members of the academic community from and to domestic and foreign institutions, b) the continuous expansion of the Department's international relations and the increase in the number of bilateral collaborations and c) the continuous expansion of the Department's cooperation relations with productive and management bodies of the agri-food sector, at local, regional, national, European and international level.

  5. Evaluation Internship Applications Committee and Evaluation of Internship Appeals Committee , which evaluate the applications and objections, respectively, of the candidates for Internship.

  6. Committee for the proper conduct of courses, resolution of technical issues, and functionality of University premises (classrooms, etc.), which ensures the settlement / resolution of issues of proper functionality, courses, etc. that will arise in the various teaching areas (hospital rooms, OAED building, building of the Department of Economics, etc.).

  7. Timetable Committee and Semester Examination Programme Committee, which draw up the timetable for each semester and the examination programme, respectively, taking into account the wishes of the teachers.  

  8. Committee for the implementation of the internal mobility of students between programmes of the first cycle of studies for the Department of Nursing of the University of Peloponnese.
  9. Old Study Guides Course Management Committee
  10. Documentary Control Committee for newly arrived foreign - allogeneic students
  11. Committee for the Evaluation of Nominations of Young Doctoral Candidates and Committee for the Evaluation of Objections to Nominations of Young Doctoral Candidates for academic experience (NSRF).
  12. Selection Committee for Delegated Lecturers
  13. Doctoral Candidate Selection/ Interview Committee, which evaluates the completeness of the applications, conducts interviews with the doctoral candidates and prepares a report to the Departmental Assembly.
  14. Qualifying Examinations Committee, which is to prepare a report to the Assembly on the enrolment of candidates in the Programme of Studies
Ενημερωμένο: Ιουνίου