Applications for certificates shall be made through the ηλεκτρονικής γραμματείας. Through the same system, the student can monitor his/her individual card and consequently his/her progress. The student comes to the Department's Secretariat, within the service hours for students posted on the Department's website and at the Secretariat, in order to receive the certificates-confirmations.
Indicatively, the following are granted:
1. A certificate of student status, which confirms that the applicant is an active student.
2. Certificate of analytical grades, indicating the student's progress in the courses taught.
3. A certificate of study in Military Science.
4. Certificate of Completion of Studies, for those who have fulfilled the requirements of the Program of Study but have not been awarded a degree.
5. Copies of Diploma and certificates pertaining to graduation (transcripts), suspension of studies and housing allowance.